Troubleshooter - Mertik GV60

Gas supply and pilot burner

Please check the following:

Presence of gas
Check the presence of gas by holding a lit lighter near the pilot burner during the normal start-up cycle or in manual mode*.

* Turn the oval knob on the gas control block to 'MAN', then push open the safety valve in the control block (e.g. with a screwdriver) and ignite the burner with a lighter.

If the pilot does not light, go to Step 1.
If the pilot lights, go to Step 2.

Step 1: pilot has no gas
Now check the following:

- Is the gas tap open?
- Does gas flow into the gas control block? Check the pre-pressure at the measuring nipple on the valve.

- Does gas flow out of the gas control block? Check this by disconnecting the pilot tube at the valve.

- Is the pilot tube blocked (e.g. by dirt or a kink)?

Correct any problems and try to ignite the fire again.

- Is the control block still not passing gas? Then check the pilot flame adjustment screw (under the black cover). The seal must not be broken and the screw must be open (counterclockwise is open).

If the fire still will not ignite, replace the gas control block.

Step 2: Pilot has gas but the electrode does not light it.

- Is the spark thin and reddish? If yes it's probably too weak, click HERE for the instruction.

- Is the pilot flame too weak (dirty)? Disconnect the pilot tube and carefully remove the pilot nozzle from the assembly (do not drop it!). Clean the nozzle with compressed air (e.g. a bicycle pump).

Once any errors have been corrected, try to ignite the fire again.

If the fire still will not ignite, replace the gas control block.

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