Voltage <1,8 mV
- The cross lighting main burner is too slow. Take actions 'Cross lighting too slow' (See below), before taking any further actions!
- The 2nd thermocouple is barred. Check:
- Is the 2nd thermocouple free of vermiculite, chips or pebbles.
- The position of the logs or pebbles.
- Are the burner holes under the couple open.
- The 2nd thermocouple is defective. (Cross lighting is okay, but voltage creeps up too slowly)
- The flames are instanble. See ... before any other actions are taken!!
- The burner pressure is too high or too low.
- The 2nd thermocouple is not positioned correctly in the flame, bend it into the correct position. (See the manual)
- The 2nd thermocouple is positioned correctly (See the manual) bend it into the flame. (Only if cross lighting and flame picture are ok!! Check here.)