Troubleshooter - Maxitrol


 Is the correct receiver connected? (B6R-RAPT2)

2. Check if the 8-pin wire between the receiver and gas control block
     - is not connected
     - has a bad contact
     - has loose wires within the connector
    Check by pulling wire by wire on both the receiver and gas control block ends.

3. Wiring of the thermocouple circuit is broken.
Check the thermocouple, thermocouple interrupter and wiring (see HERE for instructions)

4. Has 2nd thermocouple cooled down sufficiently?
    Wait until it has cooled sufficiently (voltage should measure < 1.2mV between the black extension wire and earth)

5. Is wiring of 2nd thermocouple interrupted?

  • Check if both wires are connected to the 2nd thermocouple. 
  • Check if the black wire is connected to the receiver. (Could be forgotten during installation)
  • Check if the red wire is connected to the earth. 

If they are all connected and it still does not work, the receiver is defective and has to be replaced. 

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